Ohio Genealogy Resources

The nickname for the state of Ohio is “The Buckeye State”. Do you have ancestors who once lived in the state of Ohio? Genealogists who are searching for information about their ancestors who were “Buckeyes” should check out this list of Ohio genealogy resources. Ancestry.com has a page that is filled with links to their Ohio collections of records. In order to access these collections, you need to have an Ancestry.com membership. Sometimes, a collection will be offered for free (often for a limited time). Return to their page often. Ancestry.com does a great job of making it clear when … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – April 29 – May 5, 2012

Every week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review quickly goes over all of the blogs that were posted in the past seven days. There can be anywhere between twelve and fourteen different blogs that appear here weekly. What did you miss? This is an easy way to “ketchup” on everything. Ohio Requires Insurance Coverage for Exotic Animals Ohio now requires owners of exotic animals to purchase a certain amount of liability insurance coverage for each animal they own. They also have to prove that they are providing proper care for the animals, and that they have good fences. The Insurance … Continue reading

Ohio Requires Insurance Coverage for Exotic Animals

The state of Ohio has passed a law that bans new ownership of exotic animals. It requires current owners of exotic animals to carry a certain amount of insurance on them. This is in response to the tragedy that happened in Ohio in October of 2011, when an owner of exotic animals released them into the public. In October of 2011, a man named Terry Thompson let 56 animals escape from his private zoo that was located on his farm in Zanesville, Ohio. He then committed suicide. The animals included black bears, mountain lions, Bengal tigers, and more. I remember … Continue reading